Or We Gonna Do It Together?
What we can do together?
Is it good if we do it together?
Can you do it without me?
Can it work without us?
Am I Gonna Do This Alone?
“Line by Line” series:
“There is a moment when certain words of your favorite song sound as if they
were addressed to you only, fully describing a certain experience or situation
in your life. After the song ends, those same words quickly lose the power and
when repeated, taken out of context and the created musical experience, they
just do not sound as convincing as in the given moment. By presenting the
verses that are significant for me in the public space, they become sentences
with no meaning to the observer. These words become a bunch of
unnecessary information that, once again, create the space for new meanings
to be found all over again.“
Saša Tkačenko
“Nostalgia certainly frames Saša Tkačenko’s art, coming out both as a theme
and a method of creation. Having belonged to a dead nation with a particular
sense for utopia, the artist, like many of Yugoslavia-born from his generation,
lives with phantom experiences that accompany real-time events. The word
nostalgia contains the word pain in its Greek origin, therefore it is bound to
have a direct connotation. Its hidden power, however, operates behind this
supposition, which is why Tkačenko’s work takes us by surprise as it
renders nostalgic feelings as strangely inviting and affirmative.”
Natalija Paunić
Curated by Peter Bencze
Courtesy of the artist and Everybody Needs Art, Budapest
Photocredit Aron Weber